Stay Safe On The Internet

Today, the internet plays a big role in our daily lives. While it is functional, informative, and fun, it can be dangerous. However, you can protect your identity and information online while browsing. Read on to understand how to stay safe on the internet. 

Activate Your Privacy Settings


Cybercriminals can take advantage of your social media habits and browsing history to compromise your security. However, you can take control of your data. 

According to experts, mobile operating systems and web browsers come with settings that you can leverage to safeguard your privacy online. Popular websites and social media platforms also feature privacy-intensifying settings. 

Activate privacy settings on your browsers, devices, and social media platforms to protect your information. 

Make sure you understand the basics of network security and online safety. Consider taking network & cybersecurity courses to improve your knowledge on this topic.

Limit Personal Information

Limit Personal Information

Potential customers and employers are not interested in knowing your personal information, such as home address or relationship status. Their only interest is in your contact details, professional background, and expertise. If you cannot give strangers your personal data, avoid sharing it with millions of online users. 

Utilize Antivirus Software and Keep it Updated

Antivirus Software

Adopt secure antivirus software before you can start browsing the internet. Whether you are on a budget or not, antivirus software options are available at cost-friendly prices. Invest in powerful antivirus and antimalware software to avoid dealing with annoying malware. 

With the technological advancements today, internet users can buy reliable antivirus software from reliable retailers. While web security software may not offer protection against every threat, updating it regularly enhances its performance. 

Ensure your operating system and applications that you use are regularly updated because they offer a critical coating of security. 

Engage in Safe Browsing

Safe Browsing

Just the same way you would not navigate through a dangerous street, avoid visiting dangerous websites online. Cyber attackers use gruesome content to lure innocent internet users. They understand that people are often attracted to unreliable content and may compromise their security in search of it. 

The internet world is full of hard-to-detect risks where a single irresponsible click can contaminate your gadget with malware and expose personal information. Resist the temptation to click on questionable links to deny cybercriminals a chance to attack. 

Use Unique and Strong Passwords

Strong Passwords

Make sure the password you use is unique and strong. Use a combination of letters in lowercase and uppercase, symbols, and numbers. Do not use the same password for all of your accounts. Remembering passwords can be hard but using different passwords enhances your security online. 

Leverage a password manager app to avoid the struggle that comes with remembering numerous passwords. What’s more, some password manager applications offer safe access to credit card data. Here are some tips to help you choose a strong and unique password.

  • Long passwords tend to be strong. Consider using one of your favorite quotes from a movie, book, or song. Beware that some websites have a maximum password length restriction. 
  • Consider abbreviating one of your favorite phrases.
  • Do not use common or easy to guess passwords such as 12345, abcde, or any of your information that people can easily figure out.

Switch Your Bluetooth On Only when Necessary

Switch Your Bluetooth

Experts in the internet security industry discovered that cybercriminals could change and compromise Bluetooth communications. They discovered an exposure within a Bluetooth connection, listened to, and modified adjacent Bluetooth communications information. While you can still use Bluetooth safely, always switch it off if you are not using it actively. 

Avoid Unsecured Public Wi-Fi Networks

Avoid Unsecured Public Wi-Fi Networks

Avoid using an unlocked or password-free public Wi-Fi network unless it is necessary. If you have to use unsecured networks, avoid logging into your apps or accounts online. Never enter any financial or personal information when using unsecured networks. Remember, hackers configure false Wi-Fi hotspots to attract innocent web users. 

When you log in to a false Wi-Fi network, the cybercriminal can access everything you do online, which can be scary. In case you have to use a Wi-Fi network in an office other than yours, consider requesting the Wi-Fi password to be on the safe side. 

Purchase Products from Secure Online Sites

 Secure Online Sites

Whenever you shop online, you have to provide your bank and credit card information, data that cybercriminals are always targeting. Always surrender such crucial information on websites that offer safe encrypted connections. 

To determine how secure a website is, find addresses that begin with HTTPS (The S, in this case, stands for secure) instead of HTTP. A secure website will also feature a padlock symbol at the beginning of the address bar. 

Final Thoughts

Being safe while browsing the internet can be a challenge, but it does not have to be. Are you trying to determine the best way to protect yourself against cybercriminals? Handle online interactions as cautiously as you would with a stranger. Use these tips to enhance your safety online and protect your information. 

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By Bethany Wilson

Bethany is a passionate writer and WordPress expert. Recently she has completed her studies in software engineering. She is an avid gamer. Currently she is working as a WordPress writer at

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