Innovative Online Marketing Strategies for E-Commerce Sites  

If you’re like every other e-commerce site operator out there, you want more traffic and a higher conversion rate. The internet is awash with online marketing strategy ideas, few of which actually work.

This article presents an overview of effective tools and marketing tactics, along with strategies to help you implement them. The strategies run the gamut of social media strategies and straightforward acquisition to successful email marketing, reducing abandoned carts and leveraging the power of user-generated content.

Creating a website to sell products is just the beginning. Read on to get a glimpse into the dynamic world of online marketing that awaits.

Use TikTok for your business

Every e-commerce platform should be using TikTok for business. Why? The dynamic social medium boasts more than one billion monthly active users. In the fourth quarter of 2021, more than 173 million people installed the app. This makes TikTok as effective as other social media apps in marketing if not more.

Instagram is rife with highly edited content, but TikTok takes a different approach, namely focusing on genuine content. Real, raw videos get more engagement. The medium prioritizes content from first-time creators, and its algorithms are designed to keep visitors on the platform longer than Facebook.

Adweek research shows that 51% of users buy from brands they see on TikTok. All niches can find a space: goth, fitness, alternative living, etc.

Reduce abandoned carts

It is estimated that almost 70% of website visitors who add items to their carts abandon them before checkout. Addressing the issue is worth your while. You can convince some shoppers to complete their purchase by offering free shipping or a discount. An effective email recovery message can persuade them to return and buy the items, such as “Did you forget something? These items are still waiting for you.” Additional product suggestions are an option, too.

Create emails to encourage visitors to return to their carts. Remind them of why they wanted to buy the items in the first place.

The power of user-generated content

Facebook ads can be helpful up to a certain point. If you want your platform to grow, you need an audience that will refer to other people. Frank Body started offering customers prizes for the most creative videos and photos. This got the brand hundreds of thousands of pieces of user-generated content using its hashtag.

How to get the most out of your email campaigns

How to get the most out of your email campaigns

Making a list of email addresses is only the first step. You need to follow up on this by sending regular emails that recipients will value and appreciate.

Some possible avenues are sending a welcome email when someone makes a purchase from your site, giving out gifts, and providing exclusive promo codes. Notify customers of new discounts and relevant company news by sending out regular newsletters.

Show your highest-value customers gratitude by sending a personal note to express your appreciation.

Ask people for feedback. If someone visits your platform but doesn’t buy anything, ask about their experience and how to improve it.

Foresee future sales

Are you trying to decide which products to sell? Let’s say you have a few products. Make pages for all of them, and use high-quality text and photos. Then, list them as “out of stock” and check for requests to know when the products will be available again. This way, you can see which product will get the most attention and know what to sell.

Especially in clothes and shoes, certain colors and sizes are out of stock now and then. You can offer to send an email when the color or size someone was looking for is back in stock.

Create and use FOMO

Create and use FOMO

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a primordial instinct. You’ll get more sales and improve conversion by displaying limited edition products, limited-time offers, and special conditional offers.

Use dynamic notifications on social media to indicate that someone recently bought one of your products or how many items are left. These will contribute to a sense of urgency.

How to optimize your conversion

In addition to the above strategies, remember that almost half of all people will navigate away from a site that loads in more than three seconds. Check your site’s speed using Google PageSpeed Insights, use a lightweight theme, and remove needless or unused plugins.

Visitors are more likely to convert if the checkout funnel is short. An example of an unnecessarily long funnel would be asking visitors to create an account, having them read your policies, and going into details about what items they want to buy. A cumbersome payment method seals your fate.

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By Lucas Brown

Lucas is an IT student completing his studies in Networking. He worked at Ycombinator as a research analyst. He loves to write about his technology experiences. He also enjoys traveling and captures the best moments with his Canon 5d lens. He is a review specialist at TechProReviewers.

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